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5 People Still Living from 1800s, All Women

As of February 5, 2015, there are still 5 people living who were born in the 1800s, and they're all women.
It's a well-known fact that women, on average, live longer than men. No where else is this more in evidence than with the last 5 surviving people from the 19th century - all of whom are women.
Just imagine, for a moment, living that long; they've seen through two World Wars, the Cold War, the introduction of the TV, and the first aircraft to take to the skies.
Understandably, with the desire of many to live longer, the key to longevity is of key interest to many people. The general consensus (for these women and other centenarians) is that long life is aided by a combination of quality sleep, taking part in activities and maintaining purpose, exercise, eating a healthy diet, and enjoying life while reducing stress.
Last 5 people with birthdays in the 1800s:

Misao Okawa - 116-years-old, born on March 5, 1898. World's oldest living person.
Misao Okawa
Gertrude Weaver - 116-years-old, born on July 4, 1898. America's oldest person.
Gertrude Weaver
Jeralean Talley - 115-years-old, born on May 23, 1899.
Jeralean Talley
Susannah Mushatt Jones - 115-years-old, born on July 6, 1899.
Susannah Jones
Emma Morano - 115-years-old, born on November 29, 1899. Europe's oldest living person.
Emma Morano

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